March Week 4: Increased Understanding

One of the best things we can do when researching food is to explore various eating styles. There are eating trends that pop up frequently these days…they are marketed to the masses through books, podcasts, articles, social media, etc. which makes them accessible and easy to understand. We can use this to our advantage for two reasons:

1. To Create a Personalized Eating Plan. We can look at an eating style, dive deep & learn why people choose it, and then come to understand how it benefits the body. We can then use that information for ourselves by trying out different styles and seeing how our body responds. Pulling from these plans can really serve us. Being open to new possibilities and styles can give us the information we need to make positive changes. Because let’s be honest, the whole reason we are doing this month’s Food journal is because what we’ve done in the past wasn’t serving us.

2. The Freedom to Live Our Beliefs. We can use our new understanding of different eating styles to let go of judgment and accept that others choose what is best for them…and we choose what is best for us. There is a lot of shaming that happens around food—it’s become socially acceptable to give someone a hard time, make fun of them, or judge them for choosing what works for their body. It’s ridiculous and time that it stops. By understanding the benefits and methods of eating styles that are different than our own, we put our beliefs into action: we understand that everyone’s body is unique and that they need to choose what is best for them. We understand that we are different and need to choose what is best for us. And so we act and think from that belief. It’s a way to walk the walk and not just talk the talk. Understanding the “why” behind other people’s food choices can really bring a lot of clarity (in every area of life, not just food). Maintaining this attitude around food choices is very freeing—it clears up mental and emotional space for us to simply live our life and make choices that serve us without drama.

So with that mindset (and a deep breath), let’s dive into our research week where we will explore various eating styles and terms that could potentially apply to us on our individual eating journeys.

Insulin Resistance

Have you ever heard of this term before? If so, write down what you know. If not, spend a few moments today looking it up. This one is a real eye opener. Write down what you learn and if you feel it applies to you.

Personal Goal:
Whole Foods:

Intermittent Fasting

Ever heard of this notion? (It kind of goes hand in hand with yesterday’s topic of insulin resistance). If you know about it, jot down what you know. If not, spend a few moments researching the topic and write down notions that stick out to you.

If you utilize intermittent fasting, what about it has served you? What hasn’t? What have your challenges been? What about successes? Spend some time reflecting on your personal journey with intermittent fasting.

Personal Goal:
Whole Foods:


Do you know what the goal of a “keto diet” is? Have you heard of keto? Did you know there are multiple types of “keto diets?” If you follow one, research others that are out there. If you don’t follow one, spend a few moments researching the philosophies behind a keto diet. Does any of this new information speak to you? If so, write it down. If not, write about why.

If you utilize a keto way of eating, what about it has served you? What hasn’t? What have your challenges been? What about successes? Spend some time reflecting on your personal journey with keto.

Personal Goal:
Whole Foods:


What do you know about the paleo way of eating? How do you perceive it? How much of it is influenced by media’s portrayal of this eating style vs. actual research? Spend some time today to research why people choose this eating style, its benefits, who it serves, etc. Write down ideas that could possibly work for you (or not).

If you utilize a paleo diet, what about it has served you? What hasn’t? What have your challenges been? What about successes? Spend some time reflecting on your personal journey with paleo.

Personal Goal:
Whole Foods:

Vegetarian or Vegan

Do you know the difference vegetarian and vegan? What intrigues you about these eating styles? What turns you off? Do you know why some people choose these eating styles? Spend a bit of time today putting your past notions or society’s limitations to the side and research why some folks choose this eating style. Write about what you learn, noting any new ideas that soften your heart to those who choose a different eating style than yourself.

If you are a vegetarian or vegan, what about it has served you? What hasn’t? What have your challenges been? What about successes? Option to write down what you wish people understood about your choices.

Personal Goal:
Whole Foods:

Gluten Free or Dairy Free

Have you ever wondered if gluten, grains, or dairy have a negative effect on your body or your children’s bodies?

If you eat gluten, grain, or dairy free, what about this way of eating has served you? What hasn’t? What have your challenges been? What about successes? Spend some time reflecting on your personal journey.

Bonus Questions for the Week: What do you think irritates people about mealtimes with others who eat differently than themselves? There seems to be an undertone of annoyance around (for example) vegetarians coming to a potluck or someone who is gluten free coming to dinner? Have you ever felt annoyed when you’ve needed to accommodate someone else’s choices? How have you handled it? Did it go as poorly as you imagined it would or better? Have you ever felt that someone else was annoyed with you when you were the person whose eating style was different? How did it make you feel at the meal?

What could be done by everyone involved to be more patient and understanding? How can you get one step closer to living your truth and really making space for your actions to line up with your belief that everyone needs to eat differently in order to give their body what it needs? What can we do to make mealtimes more welcoming to all—especially since most of the time we share meals with loved ones.

Personal Goal:
Whole Foods:

Leaky Gut

If you follow yayamamas on social media, you know that I’ve been talking about Leaky Gut a bit this month. What do you know about it? If not much, spend a bit of time researching it and writing down what you’ve learned. Leaky Gut has been linked to autoimmune diseases, imbalances in the body, illness, anxiety, and more. It can be the direct result of toxin overload, antibiotics, pesticides, and certain medication use. For those who have it, it can be a big deal. Since a large number of people suffer from leaky gut, spend some time today researching what it is and if you feel it applies to you. If it does, research steps you can take to help correct the condition.

Personal Goal:
Whole Foods: