Mother’s Day is next month… Sunday, May 13, 2018 to be exact (write that down). The time to plan is NOW. Meaningful gifts can’t always be picked up last minute. Moms know if you waited until the day before. Save yourself the stress and worry: plan ahead.
Be open about your Mother’s Day plans. Many moms are the family organizers and don’t mind being told what you have in mind for the big day. Some moms prefer to be surprised. Some want to make the plans themselves. The secret is to find out their preference. Ask! Then listen to their answer and go from there.
Really celebrate moms on Mother’s Day. They don’t expect it…but on some level they do. It’s nice to feel appreciated. Plans are one thing, gifts are another. It never hurts to have a small token of appreciation for a mom on Mother’s Day.
Here are 5 ideas to genuinely celebrate the moms in your life in a meaningful way:
1. Brunch at Home.
Unless specifically requested, some moms don’t want to go out to eat on Mother’s Day. Many moms would rather take the day off and be catered to at home than have the pressure of getting dressed up and parenting in public on the one day a year when the world gives moms permission to just take it easy.
One of the nicest gifts my husband ever gave me was Mother’s Day brunch at home. He attempted to recreate my favorite brunch spread from the Grand Wailea Hotel (an impossible task, but his efforts were obvious). He called it a “one chef show.” He cooked us omelets in his boxers. It was adorable (and convenient).
Eating out is so much effort for moms…especially if there are small kids involved. Brunch out is usually formal and fancy, which really takes parenting in a restaurant to a whole new level of stressful. That’s not the break most moms want or need. On my first Mother’s Day, my baby choked on a piece of watermelon while we were out at brunch. It was a big show and very dramatic. Another Mother’s Day out, my kid barfed on me…in public, at the table, all over my food and clothes. I can’t think of a single Mother’s Day brunch out that has ever been relaxing.
But brunch at home? Think PJs and endless mimosa bar. The whole family can eat from a big breakfast spread all day. Just the act of pre-planning a gourmet looking spread at home shows you care.
Here are some at-home brunch buffet ideas for your shopping list: pre-packaged crepes, a yogurt cup tower, a bowl of fresh fruit or berries, a pile of fancy pastries, mimosas, specialty coffee, bacon AND sausage, hash browns, brioche bread, and an omelet station with fillings for everyone to choose from. Throw some beautiful napkins and flowers in your shopping cart, too. Those little touches make a difference. Plus there will be leftovers for days…another bonus.
2. Personalized Jewelry.
Don’t buy just anything from a kiosk at the mall, but instead choose something beautiful that holds meaning. Let me take the guesswork out of it for you: two of my favorite pieces are Lisa Leonard stacking rings and Alex & Ani’s “True Direction” bracelet.
Lisa Leonard rings are hand stamped and can be personalized with the names of your children, a meaningful word, or a short saying. Don’t know her ring size? Ask. It will add to the mystery and show her you are pre-planning a gift. Trust me, that is a win for you.
Alex & Ani’s “True Direction” Bracelet is lovely. The message on the charm reads “A mother’s love is true north always guiding the way home.” Heart melting. When my husband presented me with that bracelet, I got teary eyed. What a loving thought about the power and importance of a mother’s love. It also comes as a necklace charm. Good news: if you have an Alex & Ani store or retailer near you, this could *potentially* be a last minute gift…but I wouldn’t risk it. Check out our affiliate link under Products We Love… or click here to be taken directly to the link.
3. A Beautiful, Handwritten Card.
When you’re at the store staring at the wall of Mother’s Day cards, take your time. Buy the fancy card, the one with her favorite colors. Make sure every line feels right. Then don’t just sign it, write in it. Write what you love about her as a woman, a mother, your partner, friend—whoever she is to you—point it out. Celebrate your relationship with her. Attempt to be poetic or just be straightforward. Give examples. Show her she’s touched your heart and made a difference. Show her your soft side. Sign it in a way that catches her off guard: yours, always, with gratitude, with admiration, your admirer, all my love…
And set an alarm on your phone to do it at least a few days before so you can sit down and give it some thought.
4. An Artistic Quote.
One day my daughter answered a question by saying “Because I am big and four and strong and brave.” It captured her four-year-old spirit so perfectly that I knew I wanted to do more than just write it down. So I reached out to Lovely Wild Lettering on Etsy and asked her to create a custom watercolor print with that exact quote. It turned out perfect. It will remain a cherished piece of art on our wall for years to come…and is sure to become even more treasured as the years fly by. My husband has ordered a second print with a quote from our two year old for this Mother’s Day and I couldn’t be happier with this thoughtful gift.
Reach out to a local artist or one on Etsy for a personalized piece of art that will hold sentiment. Ask the mom in your life what inspirational quotes move her or for her favorite quote from the kids. Just ask. Tell her you’re working on a Mother’s Day gift, most moms don’t mind the mystery. (Of course, Lovely Wild Lettering is a family favorite in our house and we highly recommend using her).
5. Full or Mini Photo Session.
Research local photographers to see who fits your style and budget. Bonus points if you choose a business run by a mom.
If you’re local to Maui, I highly recommend any of these talented mamas. Click on their names for more information: Maui Birth Photography, Love + Life Maui Photography, Kristy Copperfield Photography, Joanna Tano Photography, and Modern Baby Photography.
You don’t have to do all five of these ideas (or any of them). If your biggest take away is pre-plan, celebrate moms, and ask their preference, you’re already ahead of the game. Happy Mother’s Day!