Has the term “treat” become something that you use as a bribe? A reward for “good” choices? Or a justification for why we “deserve” sugary food? Take a look at how treats function in your family and every day life. Think about whether they are serving you or not.
Have treats become part of your every day, every other day, every week, or are they truly occasional? Write about what role treats play in your life at the moment and if there are any changes you would like to implement.
Personal Goal:
Whole Foods:
Eat Five Vegetables a Day
Are you eating at least five vegetables per day? Are your kids eating at least five vegetables today? How do you feel about this goal? Is it overwhelming? Do-able? What would make it less intimidating? Brainstorm. Write about it.
Personal Goal:
Whole Foods:
One of the biggest perception shifts that has served me well is to accept the fact that every person’s body is unique. We all have different body types, genetics, needs in the moment, challenges, etc. Just because paleo is working for my friend down the street doesn’t mean it’s going to work for me. Even biological family members will be very different for you. Your sister could have a lot of health success as a vegetarian runner and you could have a dairy sensitivity and a bum knee.
Do you find yourself comparing your choices to those of others? Do you see inspiration in their choices or do they become an opportunity for comparison? When have you compared in the past? Do you feel like you compare now? Less than in the past? More so?
Brainstorm about ways to keep your focus on your own health journey. How can you remind yourself to stay focused on your individual health needs even when it’s tempting to compare yours journey to others?
Personal Goal:
Whole Foods:
Planning Ahead
Do you pre-plan your meals, food prep, etc.? Are you able to stick to those plans? What works well for you when you plan ahead? What do you struggle with?
If you don’t pre-plan, what keeps you from trying it? Failure to stick to it in the past? Time? Write about what blocks you from this task.
Today’s challenge is to research why planning ahead when it comes to food can serve you. Find a podcast, article, etc. and spend some time reading about food prep, meal planning, etc. Write down what you learn…then note which tips might work well for you and your family.
Personal Goal:
Whole Foods:
Sleep & Eating
Sleep and food are closely related. Your body needs quality sleep and nutritious food…something that feels like an impossible task in certain seasons of parenthood. If the body does not get adequate sleep it becomes easy for us to overcompensate with calories to try and boost our energy. This often does not work out the way we hoped.
Take a look at your sleep in the past week (not your sleep in general, but where you are right now). How much sleep have you gotten on average this week? What is keeping you from getting good rest? If you are craving rest or better sleep, what are some things you can shift to make sure you get more rest and/or sleep tonight? Tomorrow? One day at a time? Can you go to bed earlier? Skip the late night show in favor of more sleep? Go to bed with the kids even just one night? Create a sleep environment that is conducive to sleep (wifi off, no lights in the room, essential oils, no screens before bed, etc. – research it if you need specific ideas). Or look into things you can do during your day that can lead to better sleep (ie. research circadian rhythm, limit caffeine after a certain hour, create a bedtime routine, etc).
Analyze this week’s sleep, your body’s current needs, and brainstorm ideas that can get you what you need.
Personal Goal:
Whole Foods:
Water Review
Take a few minutes to review your water intake today, this week, and this month. What shifts do you need to make in order to meet your water intake goals? Pour a glass right now? Have a water bottle at the ready? Do you feel it is important to drink a lot of water but don’t? Do you place a big emphasis on it? Do you push water on your children throughout the day? Do you serve it at meal time?
Really bring your focus to your water intake today (and your children’s). What can you do to increase your whole family’s water intake?
Personal Goal:
Whole Foods:
Sugar Review
What was the craziest food product that you discovered had added sugar? How much effort have you been putting into avoiding sugar? Why or why not?
If you have been reducing sugar, what have you noticed about this shift? Does your body feel different? Have your taste buds changed? Spend a few moments analyzing your sugar intake, your kids’ sugar intake, what has shifted for you, what shifts could serve you, etc.
Personal Goal:
Whole Foods: